
Saturday, 18 November 2017

Food: vocabulary

Los nombres de las siguientes comidas no van a ser evaluados en ninguno de los cursos, pero está bien que los de primero se familiaricen con alguno más y que los de tercero le peguen un repaso.

The food pyramid

Os cuelgo una pirámide alternativa que está más actualizada.


Adapted from Harvard School of Public Health
Copyright © 2011, Harvard University. For more information about The Healthy Eating Plate, please see The Nutrition Source, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health,, and Harvard Health Publications,

Healthy Weight

Y toda la colección de How the Body Works

Different foods, different nutrients


Proteins They give us materials to grow and repair the body
Vitamins and minerals They help the body work.
Carbohydrates They give us energy
Fats They give us energy
Fibre It helps intestines work
Water It helps the body work.

And remember: we also need fibre and water to stay healthy.

Do you like...?

Is it healthy or unhealthy?

Healthy Unhealthy Food Quiz

Healthy habits

Remember that healthy habits are:

-HEALTHY DIET (eat healthy food)
-EXERCISE (move your body, do sports)
-HYGIENE (wash your hands; have a shower…)
-REST (Sleep well)
-POSTURE (sit properly)

The healthy habits Song

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The excretory system

The excretory system is responsible for removing (eliminate) unwanted substances from the body. It is part of the vital function of nutrition

The circulatory system transports the waste to the excretory system.

The kidneys filter the waste and disolve it in water. The remaining (what is left) fluid (liquid, in this context) is called urine (pee).

Circulatory system

The circulatory system is responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen around the body.

Nutrients: from the digestive system, to the rest of the body.

Oxygen: from the respiratory system, to the rest of the body.

Also, the circulatory system carries (transports) the waste (unwanted substances) to eliminate.

CO2: from the body, to the respiratory system.

Other waste: from the body, to the excretory system.

It is involved in the function of nutrition.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Body parts

Learn the parts of the body!!

Parts of the body chant (more variety)

Singular and plural (This is my- These are my)

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Respiratory system

The respiratory system exchanges oxygen and CO2 by inhaling and exhaling air.

The respiratory system is part of the vital function of nutrition because we need oxygen to use the energy.

Your respiratory system

Para el proyecto de fin de unidad. Siguiendo los pasos de este vídeo se puede construir un modelo de caja torácica con pulmones. El globo de abajo hace las veces de diafragma haciendo vacío para que los pulmones se hinchen. Al soltar el Globo/diafragma, la presión se recupera y los pulmones se vacían.

Friday, 29 September 2017

Digestive system


Watch these videos on the digestive system.
Remember that the digestive system is involved in the vital function of Nutrition.

The digestive system breaks down food into nutrients.

Nutrients are small substances that give us energy.

Nutrients also give us materials to grow and repair the body. 

To finish you can try to build a digestive system with the following game: Build-a-body: digestive system