
Songs about animals

In this page we are going to compilate all the songs related to animals that we post on the blog. As you will see some are quite easy while others are more difficult. Try to take that into account when you select and sequence them. 
As usual, many of the songs have related videos and all of them admit pre and postactivities.

Here you have a selection of different songs about animals.

These are the sounds that the animals make
The Cat goes meow
The Cow goes moo
The Pig goes oink
The Rooster goes Cocka doodle doo

These are the sounds that the animals make
The Hen goes cackle
The Dog goes woof
The Turkey goes gobble
The Monkey goes whoop

These are the sounds that the animals make
The Mouse goes squeak
The Sheep goes baa
The Eagle screams eeeee
The Hyena laughs Ha-ha

These are the sounds that the animals make
The Rabbit goes drum
The Pigeon goes coo
The Elephant goes trump
The Wolf howls Awooooo

These are the sounds that the animals make
The Donkey goes He-haw
The Parrot goes talk Helloooo
The Crow goes Kaw
The Owl goes hoot

These are the sounds that the animals make
The Bear growls grr
The Snake goes hiss
The Horse goes neigh
The Bee goes buzz
These are the sounds that the animals make
The Tiger goes roar
The Sparrow goes chirp
The Frog goes ribbit
And the boy down the street goes buuurp

We advice that you have a look to the following postactivity: Noah's Ark.

To Bombay
A travelling circus came
They brought an intelligent elephant
And Nellie was her name
One dark night
She slipped her iron chain
And off she ran to Hindustan
And was never seen again
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

Night by night
She danced to the circus band
When Nellie was leading the big parade
She looked so proud and grand
No more tricks
For Nellie to perform
They taught her how to take a bow
And she took the crowd by storm
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

The head of the herd was calling
Far, far away
They met one night in the silver light
On the road to Mandalay
So Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trum
Trump, trump, trump

Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And said goodbye to the circus
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump
Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk
And trundled back to the jungle
Off she went with a trumpety-trump
Trump, trump, trump

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