The purpose of this blog is to host a compilation of different texts and activities which can be used for an EFL class, as well as general resources. During the following weeks I'll post regularly different resources learnt at uni as well as other things I’ve seen as a student or within less formal environments, and hopefully I’ll do it both in Spanish and in English. In addition there will be useful links to other blogs and compilations.
I want this blog to be much more than a university assignment. I'd like it to be a useful compilation of ideas both for myself and for others. So please, if you have any feedback, don’t remain silent. If you like something, say so (I’ll probably be delighted to hear it). If you have tried something with your own group, share the results with us all. If you have thought of a variation or a way to improve a certain activity, don’t keep it for yourself. On the other hand, if you think a certain activity is crap for whatever reason, think that my writing is terrible not to talk about my spelling, think that the blog organisation is terrible… The only thing I ask you is to share with us a constructive critic, as given the lack of resources we cannot afford to feed trolls.
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